List of Publications related to Quantum Inspired Computing

Quantum Logic

  1. Svozil, Karl. Quantum logic. Springer Science & Business Media, 1998.
  2. Beltrametti, Enrico G., and Bas C. Van Fraassen. Current issues in quantum logic. Vol. 8. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
  3. Dalla Chiara, Maria Luisa, Roberto Giuntini, and Richard Greechie. Reasoning in quantum theory: sharp and unsharp quantum logics. Vol. 22. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.
  4. Reichenbach, Hans. Philosophic foundations of quantum mechanics. Courier Corporation, 1998.
Journal Papers
  1. Birkhoff, Garrett, and John Von Neumann. "The logic of quantum mechanics." Annals of mathematics (1936): 823-843.
  2. Heelan, Patrick. "Quantum and classical logic: Their respective roles." Synthese 21.1 (1970): 2-33.
  3. Dishkant, Herman. "Semantics of the minimal logic of quantum mechanics." Studia Logica 30.1 (1972): 23-30.
  4. Putnam, Hilary. "How to think quantum-logically." Synthese 29.1 (1974): 55-61.
  5. Zeman, J. Jay. Quantum logic with implication. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 20 (1979), no. 4, 723--728. doi:10.1305/ndjfl/1093882792.
  6. Stairs, Allen. "Quantum logic, realism, and value definiteness." Philosophy of Science 50.4 (1983): 578-602.
  7. Pavičić, Mladen. "Bibliography on quantum logics and related structures." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 31.3 (1992): 373-455.
  8. Schaller, Martin, and Karl Svozil. "Automaton partition logic versus quantum logic." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 34.8 (1995): 1741-1749.
  9. Aerts, Diederik. "Quantum structures: An attempt to explain the origin of their appearance in nature." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 34.8 (1995): 1165-1186.
  10. Tkadlec, Josef. "Greechie diagrams of small quantum logics with small state spaces." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 37.1 (1998): 203-209.
  11. Papanikolaou, Nick. "Reasoning formally about quantum systems: An overview." ACM SIGACT News 36.3 (2005): 51-66.
  12. Schmitt, Ingo. "Qql: A db&ir query language." The VLDB Journal—The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases 17.1 (2008): 39-56.
  13. Pykacz, Jarosław. "Can many-valued logic help to comprehend quantum phenomena?." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 54.12 (2015): 4367-4375.
Conference Papers
  1. Mateus, Paulo, and Amílcar Sernadas. "Exogenous quantum logic." Proceedings of CombLog. Vol. 4. 2004.
  2. Wallden, Petros. "Reasoning in Quantum Theory: Modus Ponens and the co-event interpretation." Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 306. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2011.
Book Chapters
  1. Putnam, Hilary. "Is logic empirical?." Boston studies in the philosophy of science. Springer, Dordrecht, 1969. 216-241.
  2. Mittelstaedt P. (2009) Quantum Logic. In: Greenberger D., Hentschel K., Weinert F. (eds) Compendium of Quantum Physics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Lecture Notes
  1. de Vries, Andreas. "Algebraic hierarchy of logics unifying fuzzy logic and quantum logic." arXiv preprint arXiv:0707.2161 (2007).
  1. Pták, Pavel, and Sylvia Pulmannová. "Orthomodular structures as quantum logics." INIS-mf—14676 (1991): 27.
  1. Logic and Reasoning Institute at James Madison University. "A Gentle Introduction to Quantum Logic." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 12, Jun, 2014. Web. 1.11.2019.
  2. UNSW. "Quantum Logic." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 2, May, 2016. Web. 1.11.2019.
  3. Reasons to Believe. "The Impact of Quantum Mechanics on Logic." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 18, August, 2017. Web. 1.11.2019

Quantum Machine learning

  1. Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha, Ujjwal Maulik, and Paramartha Dutta. Quantum Inspired Computational Intelligence: Research and Applications. Morgan Kaufmann, 2016.
  2. dos Santos Coelho, Leandro, ed. Quantum inspired intelligent systems. Vol. 121. Springer Science & Business Media, 2008.
Journal Papers
  1. Anguita, Davide, et al. "Quantum optimization for training support vector machines." Neural Networks 16.5-6 (2003): 763-770.
  2. Hentschel, Alexander, and Barry C. Sanders. "Machine learning for precise quantum measurement." Physical review letters 104.6 (2010): 063603.
  3. Bisio, Alessandro, et al. "Optimal quantum learning of a unitary transformation." Physical Review A 81.3 (2010): 032324.
  4. Bisio, Alessandro, et al. "Quantum learning algorithms for quantum measurements." Physics Letters A 375.39 (2011): 3425-3434.
  5. Lloyd, Seth, Masoud Mohseni, and Patrick Rebentrost. "Quantum algorithms for supervised and unsupervised machine learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.0411 (2013).
  6. Wiebe, Nathan, Ashish Kapoor, and Krysta M. Svore. "Quantum deep learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3489 (2014).
  7. Low, Guang Hao, Theodore J. Yoder, and Isaac L. Chuang. "Quantum inference on Bayesian networks." Physical Review A 89.6 (2014): 062315.
  8. Wiebe, Nathan, Ashish Kapoor, and Krysta Svore. "Quantum algorithms for nearest-neighbor methods for supervised and unsupervised learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.2142 (2014).
  9. Zhao, Zhikuan, Jack K. Fitzsimons, and Joseph F. Fitzsimons. "Quantum assisted Gaussian process regression." arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.03929 (2015).
  10. Li, Zhaokai, et al. "Experimental realization of a quantum support vector machine." Physical review letters 114.14 (2015): 140504.
  11. Chatterjee, Rupak, and Ting Yu. "Generalized coherent states, reproducing kernels, and quantum support vector machines." arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03713 (2016).
  12. Schuld, Maria, Mark Fingerhuth, and Francesco Petruccione. "Quantum machine learning with small-scale devices: Implementing a distance-based classifier with a quantum interference circuit, 2017." arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.10793.
  13. Lau, Hoi-Kwan, et al. "Quantum machine learning over infinite dimensions." Physical review letters 118.8 (2017): 080501.
  14. Amin, Mohammad H., et al. "Quantum boltzmann machine." Physical Review X 8.2 (2018): 021050.
  15. Monràs, Alex, Gael Sentís, and Peter Wittek. "Inductive supervised quantum learning." Physical review letters 118.19 (2017): 190503.
Conference Papers
  1. Aïmeur, Esma, Gilles Brassard, and Sébastien Gambs. "Machine learning in a quantum world." Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006.
  2. Kapoor, Ashish, Nathan Wiebe, and Krysta Svore. "Quantum perceptron models." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2016.
  3. Srinivasan, Siddarth, Carlton Downey, and Byron Boots. "Learning and inference in hilbert space with quantum graphical models." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2018.
  1. Biamonte, Jacob, et al. "Quantum machine learning." Nature 549.7671 (2017): 195.
  1. Wittek, Peter, and Christian Gogolin. "Quantum enhanced inference in Markov logic networks." Scientific reports 7 (2017): 45672.
  1. Keio University. "Quantum Machine Learning." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 30, Jun, 2016. Web. 30.10.2019.
  2. The Artificial Intelligence Channel. "Quantum Reinforcement learning." Online Video Clip. Youtube, 16, Feb, 2018. Web. 30.10.2019
  3. The Artificial Intelligence Channel. "Quantum Machine Learning - Prof. Lilienfeld." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 16, Feb, 2018. Web. 1.11.2019.

Quantum Information Theory

  1. Ohya, Masanori, and Dénes Petz. Quantum entropy and its use. Springer Science & Business Media, 2004.
  2. Jaeger, Gregg. Quantum information. Springer New York, 2007.
  3. Wilde, Mark M. Quantum information theory. Cambridge University Press, 2013.
  4. Hayashi, Masahito. Quantum Information Theory. Springer, 2017.
Journal Papers
  1. Bennett, Charles H. "Quantum information and computation." Physics Today 48.10 (1995): 24-30.
  2. Bennett, Charles H., and Peter W. Shor. "Quantum information theory." IEEE transactions on information theory 44.6 (1998): 2724-2742.
  3. Peres, Asher, Petra F. Scudo, and Daniel R. Terno. "Quantum entropy and special relativity." Physical review letters 88.23 (2002): 230402.
  4. Vedral, Vlatko. "The role of relative entropy in quantum information theory." Reviews of Modern Physics 74.1 (2002): 197.
  5. Petz, Dénes. "Monotonicity of quantum relative entropy revisited." Reviews in Mathematical Physics 15.01 (2003): 79-91.
  6. Shor, Peter W. "Equivalence of additivity questions in quantum information theory." Communications in Mathematical Physics 246.3 (2004): 453-472.
  7. Audenaert, Koenraad MR. "A sharp continuity estimate for the von Neumann entropy." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40.28 (2007): 8127.<
Book Chapters
  1. Petz, Dénes. "Entropy, von Neumann and the von Neumann entropy." John von Neumann and the foundations of quantum physics. Springer, Dordrecht, 2001. 83-96.
  1. Tobias Osborne. "Mathematical methods of quantum information theory." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 10, Sep, 2018. Web. 1.11.2019.
  2. Simons Institue. "Mini Crash Course: Quantum Information Theory." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 27, Jan, 2014. Web. 1.11.2019.
  3. The Artificial Intelligence Channel. "Quantum Information Science- Dr.Gerald Gibert." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 2, Sep, 2018. Web. 1.11.2019.
  4. aoflex. "Quantum Informaiton | John Preskill." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 1, Dec, 2013. Web. 1.11.2019.

Quantum Cryptography

  1. Sergienko, Alexander V., ed. Quantum communications and cryptography. CRC press, 2018.
Journal Papers
  1. Gisin, Nicolas, et al. "Quantum cryptography." Reviews of modern physics 74.1 (2002): 145.
  2. Ekert, Artur K. "Quantum cryptography based on Bell’s theorem." Physical review letters 67.6 (1991): 661.
  3. Bennett, Charles H., Gilles Brassard, and N. David Mermin. "Quantum cryptography without Bell’s theorem." Physical Review Letters 68.5 (1992): 557.
  4. Bennett, Charles H., et al. "Experimental quantum cryptography." Journal of cryptology 5.1 (1992): 3-28.
  5. Ouyang, Yingkai, Si-Hui Tan, and Joseph F. Fitzsimons. "Quantum homomorphic encryption from quantum codes." Physical Review A 98.4 (2018): 042334.
  6. Huang, Anqi, et al. "Implementation vulnerabilities in general quantum cryptography." New Journal of Physics 20.10 (2018): 103016.
  1. Institute for Quantum Computing. "Quantum cryptography: basics and technology with Vadim Makarov." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 14, Nov, 2014. Web. 8.11.2019.
  2. Institute for Quantum Computing. "Introduction to quantum cryptography." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 17, Sep, 2014. Web. 8.11.2019.
  3. universalcosmos. "Quantum Cryptography: A Tale of Secrets Revealed Through the Laws of Physics." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 25, Apr, 2011. Web. 8.11.2019.
  4. NICTchannel. "Introduction to Quantum Cryptography and the Tokyo QKD Network." Online Video clip. YouTube. Youtube, 28, Jul, 2013. Web. 8.11.2019.