Country: Italy
Department / Division / Laboratory: Department of Information Engineering
Scientist in charge: Prof. Massimo Melucci
Country: United Kingdom
Department / Division / Laboratory: Computing and Communications
Scientist in charge: Prof. Dawei Song
Country: United Kingdom
Department / Division / Laboratory: Department of Computer Science and Technology
Scientists in charge: Dr. Ingo Frommholz, Dr. Haiming Liu
Country: Belgium
Department / Division / Laboratory: Leo Apostel Centre (CLEA)
Scientist in charge: Prof. Diederik Aerts
Country: Denmark
Department / Division / Laboratory: Department of Computer Science
Scientist in charge: Prof. Christina Lioma
Country: Germany
Department / Division / Laboratory: Fakultät 1
Scientist in charge: Prof. Dr. Ingo Schmitt
Country: Sweden
Department / Division / Laboratory: International Center for Mathematical Modeling
Scientist in charge: Prof. Andrei Khrennikov
Country: Germany
Scientist in charge: Dr. David Zellhöfer
Prof. Jerome Busemeyer, Indiana University, USA
Prof. Norbert Fuhr, University of Duisburg, Germany
Prof. Jian-Yun Nie, University of Montreal, Canada
Prof. Cornelis Joost “Keith” van Rijsbergen, University of Glasgow, UK
Dr. Dominic Widdows, Grab Technologies