The ESRs is organizing and implementing a Young Radicals Group (YRG), with the aim of building their own research network made of people and activities. The organization of the group and activities to promote the group could be a possible application of the transversal skills on Agile and Design Thinking, for example.
The YRG will for example - but not limited to:
- propose special issues, workshops, conferences, symposia and similar events, software repositories;
- submit papers and project proposals to the appropriate funding bodies,
- suggest further research directions.
The Principal Investigators will closely follow the ESRs and supervise them in this specific activity in order to make the YRG's activitiy integral part of the research and training programme of QUARTZ.
First QYRG Workshop
The ESRs met on December 4-5, 2018, in Padova, Italy for their first QYRG workshop.
At the event, relevant themes like secondments and possible collaborations between the researchers were discussed.
On the opening day, ESRs had the chance of presenting each other the secondment experiences gathered so far, and also the progress achieved with each line of research. It also served as a chance to forecast possible training sessions and events to address any identified opportunity during this 'lessons-learned' meeting.
The second day served as a peer-review of the content to be presented at the Mid-term Review Meeting. Moreover, sessions with ESRs representatives were held to offer the researchers the possibility of addressing any matter from an individual perspective.